Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Cerita 2- Master Ego CHAPTER 22

Acap rasa bersalah. How come dia boleh lupakan Aisyah. He was insane that time. Still can’t figure out what is happened around him. To him, Aisyah is disappeared from his life. Since the last day he saw Aisyah. She hurt me a lot. She deserve this. Bukan! Kau maafkan dialah Acap. Jangan ego sangat. She didn’t know anything. Don’t blame her.

Acap masih berperang dengan perasaaan sendiri. Dia duduk dekat beranda. Staring at the moon. Searching for the star. Aisyah. Only that word around his mind.  Urghhh.

I’ve been letting you down, down

Girl I know I’ve been such a fool

Acap dah tak tahan. Blackberry kesayangan di ambil dan dia buat satu call.

“Ijal, lepak rumah aku. Sekarang”

“Cantik jugak rumah kau waktu malam.” Ijal cakap kosong. Actually, dia tengah tunggu apa yang Acap nak cakap. Susah sangat ke nak cakap? Ijal bermonolog sendiri.

“Is that mean rumah aku tak cantik waktu siang?”

“Kinda. HAHA. Aku cakap view dekat beranda kau ni memang cantik. Boleh jadi tempat honeymoon.”Ijal gelak. Acap ikut gelak tapi tak serancak Ijal.

“I take it as a compliment. Haha”

“Weyh, apesal kau suruh aku lepak rumah kau?”

“Salah ke bakal CEO lepak rumah kawan baik?”

“Tak salah but why on earth kau out of blue ajak aku dengan nada serius. Macam ni, ‘Ijal, lepak rumah aku. Sekarang’.HAHA” Ijal ajuk cakap Acap.

“Cehh, kau nihh. Mintak kaki betol.”

“Oi, cakap je la. Straight to the point la beb.”

 “Urm, since when ‘dia’ wujud balik? Setahu aku, lepas SPM dia lesap. Reunion pun dia tak pernah datang.”

“Ohhh, that girl? Dia tak pernah tak wujud. Kau je tak nampak or should I say, you forget about her. Throw her away just like that?” Ijal balas sarkastik.

“Okay. Find. True man keeps their promises. And you know that right?” Acap buat quote sendiri. Dari mana entah dia dapat quote tu. Just blow in his mind.

Promise huh? Ijal diam. Try nak tangkap maksud Acap. Ijal senyum.

“Oh, yang last day kau gaduh dengan dia tu ke? That part when you say, both of you never knew each other from the start?” Ijal cuba meneka.

“Strike. You’re right for the first time.”

“Then, kau nak cakap yang kau still nak keep that stupid promise la?”

Acap diam. Tak tau nak cakap apa.

“If that was a stupid promise, I think I should forget that promise. But, I don’t know.”

“Dan aku rasa kau memang patut lupakan that thing. Come on la, five years ago. AGO kau tau!” Ijal dah mula nak buat rancangan ala-ala al-Kulliyah.

“Stop it, kusut kepala aku. Kau nak membebel nun hah, balik rumah kau.”HAHA

“Kau yang terhegeh-hegeh call aku nak lepak segala, kau halau aku pulak? Ban yak bagus kawan?”

“Oi, oi. Kau jangan nak buat aksi sulking kau yang over tu. Depan Ain kau boleh macam tu, depan aku jangan.Geli makk.haha”

Well, Acap buat decision to forget the past and go on with life. New mission, nak dapatkan Aisyah. What the hell kau ni Acap? Nak dapatkan Aisyah? Damn, I think that feeling waktu sekolah dulu datang balik. But now it’s the right time. Hehe. Gatal kau Acap. Kau yakin ke boleh dapat si Aisyah tu? Dia mungkin dah heartbroken sebab kau tak ingat dia.

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